What is Pollution Watch UK?
An app and web-based platform for reporting, categorising and publicly logging pollution events on any body of freshwater in the UK. Pollution Watch UK, as a platform, gives the general public the tools to report, monitor and update any water pollution incident using a simple App on their phone and gives water companies and the regulatory organisations the platform to monitor and publicly display progress in dealing with each incident.
The Pollution Watch UK platform should bring transparency to the process with the ultimate aim of reducing pollution incidents, giving water companies and other polluters the opportunity to improve their systems and performance (clean up their act) and if not, publicly hold those responsible to account.
The general public, clubs and associations representing leisure activities in, on or by water, water companies, industry, environmental groups and the regulatory organisations should be able to work together in this endeavour.
It is hoped that this platform engenders cooperative working and a collective responsibility in reporting and improving the water quality in streams, rivers, lakes and other bodies of water in the UK.

How did it come about ?
The concept for Pollution Watch UK was born out of two businessmen, who’d previously worked together on projects, realising they had a shared passion for water based activities in their ‘down time’… Russ a keen game fisherman and Tim a keen canoeist/boater.
Both drawn to water both fresh and salt… “Wouldn’t it be great if anyone in the UK, using a slick App, could report pollution events on streams, rivers, lakes and and waterways in an easy, potentially enjoyable and constructive way ?” … this question spawned into an idea for an App and a web-based platform to highlight, resolve and ultimately reduce pollution incidents on UK waterways.

As someone who has been in and around rivers in all corners of the UK for over 40 years, I have witnessed first hand the sad and rapid decline of our water quality and its impact!
Fishing in rivers that once ran clean and are now clearly polluted, seeing the huge decline in aquatic born fly life and invertebrates to the shocking reduction in the runs of our precious migratory fish species.
Our aim is to provide an online tool that will go some way to reducing this decline with the ultimate goal of standing on pristine, clean waterways surrounded by the wildlife.
We can do this together!

When Russ came to me with this as an idea - it struck me how passionate he was and how closely aligned our frustrations were… why are our rivers and waterways being so badly mistreated?
It seems that every time I am by water there is a problem… plastic, rubbish, foul smell, murky water and dirty gravel - and where is the aquatic life ? As kids we would regularly play by (or in) streams, rivers and canals… I wouldn’t want my kids doing that today. Surely, with collaboration, we can all achieve our collective goal - less pollution and cleaner water.
If you are an environmental organisation, please consider promoting Pollution Watch UK to your members and associates.
For members of the public, please tell anyone you can about our mission and ask them to register and participate.
You can download our Press Kit by visiting this page.
Your support is very much appreciated.